As we launch ourselves into another year of writing brand plans and creating marketing campaigns, here are twenty economic predictions for 2020, which provide some useful context for our individual brand and business ambitions.
Global Economic Growth
Predicted growth in the global economy: +3.2%
Predicted growth in the US: +1.8%
Predicted growth in India: +6.3%
Predicted growth in China: +6%
Predicted growth in Japan: 0%
Predicted growth in Russia: +1.7%
Source: Morgan Stanley Real GDP growth forecasts
UK Key Economic Indicators
Predicted economic growth in the UK: +1.4% (Source: Morgan Stanley Real GDP growth forecasts)
Predicted increase in UK wages: +2.5% (Source: Korn Ferry Salary Forecast)
Predicted increase in UK house prices: +1% (Source: Savills)
Predicted level of UK inflation: 2.1% (Source: Consensus Forecasts, G7 & Western Europe)
Predicted level of UK unemployment: 4.1% (Source: Focus Economics Panel)
Predicted increase in global adspend: +4.3%
Predicted increase in total UK adspend: +4.9%
Source: Zenith Advertising Expenditure Forecasts
Predicted increase in digital UK adspend: +11%
Predicted increase in TV UK adspend: 0% (flat)
Predicted increase in Outdoor UK adspend: +5%
Predicted increase in Cinema UK adspend: +4.5%
Predicted increase in Radio UK adspend: +2%
Predicted decrease in Print UK adspend: -6%
Estimate of % UK adspend to be spent online in 2020: 66%
Source: GroupM